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About me


about me

     I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, being the second oldest of four siblings. I have a strong attachment to home. Having much of my extended family nearby and spending many hours with cousins, aunts and uncles. I also possess a cultural pride for my home city, resulting in a special attachment to blue crabs and old bay.

      In high-school, my favorite class was studio art. I drew in charcoal and painted with oils. I found the act of observation, creation and expression incredibly fulfilling, and much of my high school artwork centered around outdoor landscapes. Throughout my life I have always loved to camp, hike, ski and just be outside. Part of what drew me to Denver. 

     I went to undergrad at University of Denver and studied business and environmental science. Through observing the world and learning about climate change and our large impact on earth, I wanted to study practical solutions that are being done to mitigate our impacts. Yet my desire to create was not being fulfilled and ultimately lead me to architecture school at the University of Colorado Denver. A practice that, to me, had great potential to create practical solutions to our world's problems in innovative ways. A practice that interacts with people on a daily basis and therefore starts to influence their own points of view. My studies in architecture have revolved around my two passions in life; nature and art. I hope to learn more about sustainable practices and innovation in the built environment, while continually challenging my own perspective on architecture and what it could be.  


Stamp Mark
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